Founded in Spring 2018 under the Collective Impact model, Common Bonds is a statewide partnership of organizations, agencies, and individuals committed to the shared goal of reducing the number of dogs and cats euthanized in Oklahoma animal shelters. The works is inspired by the power of the human-animal bond and the positive community impact of animal wellbeing.
Best Friends Animal Society and Target Zero set a a goal that by the year 2025 all US animal shelters will have a 90 percent live release rate, meaning nine out of ten adoptable animals leave the shelter alive. Inspired by this goal, Kirkpatrick Foundation hosted a meeting of over ninety participants at the Oklahoma History Center on April 30, 2018 to propose achieving the same goal in Oklahoma. Animal control officers, shelter managers, volunteers, and animal wellbeing leaders agreed to pursue the 2025 goal.
Since April 2018, the Common Bonds leadership group has created a common agenda and strategic plan. The plan included a detailed map for the first two years and an administrative structure of working groups and an executive committee. Kelly Burley was hired as the Common Bonds Director in August 2019. Kirkpatrick Foundation financially supports the Common Bonds Director and is a member of the executive committee.
If you would like more information about how you can help in the mission to reduce dog and cat euthanized in Oklahoma, please visit the Common Bonds website, commonbondsok.com.